New Jersey
Transportation Heritage Center
Warren County Freeholders Show Financial Support for Transportation Heritage Center!!
NJTHC and Phillipsburg cut ribbon at Phillipsburg Lackawanna Depot
On June 7, 2003 The New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center held a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Phillipsburg Lackawanna Depot. NJTHC is leasing the building from the town of Phillipsburg. Pictured above are; Don Oberding, Diane Coopersmith – Phillipsburg Council, Harry Wyant – Phillipsburg Mayor, Bill McKelvey, Pete Marino – Phillipsburg Council, and Bob Hooper. Photo taken by Michael Finfer.
Phillipsburg’s CNJ Station Purchased by Phillipsburg and leased to Friends Organization
The Antique Truck Club of America, North Jersey Chapter toured the Phillipsburg area on April 6th. One stop was at the former CNJ/Lackawanna Station, recently purchased by the Phillipsburg Economic Development Corporation. Posed in front of the station at the Black Bridge on South Main St. are: Bruce Acheson’s 1929 Ford Model “A” station wagon, John Donkersloot III’s 1962 Autocar tractor; Jim Dunlap’s 1950 Ford F7 tractor; Jason Wechsler’s 1952 International pick-up truck, and all the way in the back, Bill Lampert’s 1939 Packard 120 4-door sedan.
The New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center holds a fund raiser at Hoboken, NJ

The New Jersey Historic Bus & Coach Collection, by S. David Phraner
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New Jersey Transportation Book Shelf
Now available for you to review and mail in your order.
Click here for details.
New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center
Becoming a reality!!
The Governor has signed the bill!!!
On Thursday June 21, 2001 New Jersey Governor Donald DiFrancesco signed the bill designating Phillipsburg, NJ as the site of the NJ Transportation Heritage Center, with a satellite site at Netcong, NJ. This is the first major step in completing the dream of an all inclusive museum for New Jersey devoted to transportation. A special Thank You to all who have supported this movement. The road has just begun and we have lots of work to still do so let’s keep working hard and educating everyone as to why New Jersey needs this now!!
Help Develop the New Jersey’s Transportation Heritage Center
Check Back Often. Updates will be posted as we get information. If you would like to join up and help make this dream a reality,
click here for more information.
Star Ledger Write-Up
Express Times